A Non-Profit’s Solution To Workforce Transportation Challenges

  • October 13, 2020

In thousands of households, the working population and primary wage earners struggle to travel or commute to work daily. This struggle is because they do not have any means of transportation or a car to call their own.

Worse still, public transportation comes with its present challenges. These challenges make it difficult to satisfy the commuter’s need for mobility. My City Rides is an innovative solution to these issues and many more.

First, we’ll discuss some of the most prominent transportation challenges that the working population face. Then, we’ll show you how My City Rides has become a proven solution that will alleviate them and put a big smile on hard-working citizens’ faces.

The 4 Transportation Challenges the Workforce Face

#1. Traffic Congestion

You already know that overloading is the root cause of congestion. The way land is used and the kind of transport infrastructure available influences the flow of traffic. And like you would observe, the situation is not getting any better. 

Statistics reveal that motorists in the 21st century stay three times more in traffic than drivers did a couple of decades ago. When the road is congested from traffic, it contributes to the inefficient use of fuel, air pollution, and slower commutes. No one likes this, of course. 

This situation makes urban life less bearable, and the working population is on the receiving end of this difficulty.

#2. Long Commutes

You should know that the ever-increasing population, the distance between residential areas and the office environment, and roadwork all contribute to longer commute times and increased congestion. 

And although you might want to suggest that the road capacity should be expanded, it is not always sufficient for shortening the distance between routes. We live in a big world. As such, building new highways and commute routes will eventually result in longer commutes. 

More vehicles will begin to use the road, leading to an overall increase in the vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT). 

#3. Sprawling Cities

When decentralization occurs, the transport systems become more complex. This complexity is because the distance between places and residences of work increases with the creation and expansion of cities. 

Congestion is a major problem for communities experiencing a sprawl, which negatively impacts the transportation system. Sprawling cities make transportation more expensive in a bid to operate, build, and restrict pedestrians’ movement. 

#4. Large Fleets, Large Costs

Several transport agencies experience a challenge with managing a growing workforce and large fleets of vehicles. Although a blessing, growth, and expansion come with responsibility. 

These transportation companies struggle with maintenance costs, meeting task requirements, recruiting, and retaining skilled members of the Workforce. Would you want to commute with an untrained driver? We’re guessing your answer is no. 

Transportation agencies are obligated to train their Workforce members to reduce accidents and increase commuters’ safety. The cost of this training will, in turn, have a direct effect on the price they charge for their services.

As the working population increases, the demand for public transportation also increases. When this happens, it puts the transport operators in a dilemma. 

How the operators respond to this will either positively or adversely affect the working population.

How the Workforce can Overcome Transportation Challenges for Improved Quality of Life   

In 2017, a visionary angel donor, Jay Martin, had an idea to set up a non-profit organization explicitly targeted to solve the working population’s transportation challenges. He shared this idea with Andy Nix (a plan executor), and My City Rides was born.

My City Rides provides a solution to the transportation obstacle by offering scooters as part of a fixed cost program to working people. This solution will help the working population save the money they would have otherwise spent and regain their time.

When you look worldwide, you see people using scooters as a convenient and easy means of transportation to get to work. According to the words of Andy Nix (the head of My City Rides), “My City Rides” is a non-profit whose primary mission is to help people get back and forth to work.” 

The program’s primary objective is to help people without a primary means of transportation get around comfortably to carry on their everyday business.

Here’s How it Works

With an affordable monthly payment, you can rent to own a motorized scooter. After three years, you’ll have full rights on the scooter as your property. That’s not all!

For the three years, My City Rides will take care of the regular maintenance of your motorized scooter till it’s paid off. And as a bonus package, you’ll be outfitted with gear to make your ride more comfortable.

Start by filling an online application form, and when it is approved, a mail will be sent to you with a link to sign up.

To sign up and become a beneficiary of My City Rides program, click here!



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